Open Beta Feedback - Jayeln Davis

While looking through some of the feedback I was seeing some responses that were particularly interesting. One was the lack of enemy variability especially with its basic behavior. Two was the the tutorial room's art direction, by which I mean it was difficult to navigate and properly and figure out what the next objective was due to a lack of incentive. One thing that will have to be looked at is the outside area's environment and enemies. The ai of the enemies might be tweaked to give a sense of urgency for the for the player to avoid them. We could treat them like zombies, while making some parts of the environment lead the player to safe or valuable spots of the map. The inside tutorial area will have to be edited to either have the exits, or objectives more noticeable. A spotlight might be shined on key parts to show some narrative or provide guidance to the player subtly.

Get Arena Shooter (Title TBD)

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