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Arena Shooter (Title TBD)
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Open Beta Feedback - Jayeln Davis
December 01, 2020
While looking through some of the feedback I was seeing some responses that were particularly interesting. One was the lack of enemy variability especially with its basic behavior. Two was the the tut...
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Feedback Response Blog - Allison
November 30, 2020
In this post, I will be reviewing the feedback we got for the game. Since I did the sound design, I will be focusing more on the sound and narrative aspect of the game. Some feedback I received was th...
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Open Beta Feedback - Luke Li
November 30, 2020
One of the biggest pieces of feedback given was the lack of interesting enemies, the general gameplay loop was just running around, then walking and shooting enemies coming towards you, fun but it cou...
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Bryant Open Beta Feedback Response
November 30, 2020
Bryant Castro
For my response, I will be focusing mainly on the art aspects of the game. The most common feedback I got was that the aesthetic of the indoor and outdoor areas clash and it isn't really explained why...
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Development Post - Allison P
November 11, 2020
Making the sounds and music for this game has been very fun so far. For the most part, I’m almost finished with the background music and some of the sound effects. I just have a big folder of sounds...
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Team Playtest 2 - Luke
November 11, 2020
During the playtest on Monday we were unable to get our builds working due to issues with Unreal and were unable to get class feedback. However, we were able to get some feedback on our project outsid...
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Playtest v.2 11/11 - Jaylen
November 11, 2020
During the last playtest, a great majority of playtesters had difficulty downloading and playing my designated level due to its unreasonable large file size. Some of my teammates that were able to pla...
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Bryant Update 1
November 11, 2020
Bryant Castro
I am currently working on get animations to run in Unreal. They are importing into the project, but they will not run. Once this problem is solved, it will just be a matter of getting them to follow t...
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Progress 1 - Luke Li
October 28, 2020
Worked mostly on some environmental stuff like adding dynamic water (big ty to Marvel Master) and some plant assets, still a lot of barebones, need rock assets etc. to make the mountains look more liv...
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Playtest Log 1 - Jaylen D.
October 21, 2020
based on most of the feedback received from others, there was a majority of positive comments made. Most were excited to see the future development of the game, and more to come. other comments were d...
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Playtest 1 Blog Post - Luke Li
October 21, 2020
Feedback: After a round of our whitebox playtesting, we were able to gather some valuable information about the current state of our game. Our outline was good but since there was a lot of obstacles l...
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Jaylen Project Role
October 14, 2020
For my role I will focus primarily on the art design of the character, enemies, items, and environment. In addition I will assist in developing the music/sfx, and any scripting that needs to be implem...
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Init Blog Post - Luke
October 14, 2020
Designing this level for a class in UT AET 334C primarily as a programmer. In Arena Shooter (name TBD), the player finds themselves in a vast forest, with a gun and hundreds of enemies swarming them...
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Allison First Post
October 14, 2020
My contribution to this project is going to be the music, sound affects, and also helping with the level layout and scripting if necessary. I'm gonna be using Logic as a tool to create and edit royalt...
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Bryant Castro Introduction
October 14, 2020
Bryant Castro
Hello. My name is Bryant Castro and I will be working as an artist/designer on our new project, "Arena Shooter (Title TBD). In Arena Shooter, the player finds themselves in a vast forest, with a gun a...
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