Playtest 1 Blog Post - Luke Li

Feedback: After a round of our whitebox playtesting, we were able to gather some valuable information about the current state of our game. Our outline was good but since there was a lot of obstacles left to be generated through random generation, we weren't able to get a lot of feedback on the placement of objects in our environment (e.g. rocks and trees, where pickups will be, etc.) and we were justly critiqued on how much we had in our environment (it seemed like we did not have a whitebox layout yet).  The start of our level looks good and needs to be attached to the main area, and then needs to be developed into an actual tutorial with scripts because there aren't many labels on it yet. 

Personal Feedback: I personally agree with everything mentioned, there was a lot to be desired after our initial playtest because there wasn't a lot of information on our level mostly due to the lack of environment in the main foresty area. The main issue currently is just developing the forest, and we will work to remedy that.

Fix: To fix these issues that were brought up, we will first finish the scaling of our level and then we will be working on generating the main portion of the level using Unreal's open world collection and then finding a good asset pack to give our tutorial section a cool theme to match with the outside area.  After importing the assets and developing the scenes, it should be mostly scripting mechanics and fighting using Unreal.

Get Arena Shooter (Title TBD)

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